


Who we Are

Coal City USA Foundation Enugu chapter is a non-denominational Association of charity. We are the number one chapter in Nigeria, and we bring together resources to help and support communities and families in need.


CCUF Enugu chapter primary agenda aim to have long-term partnerships with local churches, residents, agencies and donors who are committed to community transformation.

CCUFEC initiatives

Our priority involves clean water-projects, mentoring & tutoring, literacy and soft-skills job training amongst others. We operate with a positive and progressive societal change mentality. We believe in simple, affirmative and innovative approach to meeting the needs of local communities and communal partnership to the sustainability of any project embarked upon. We have a drive to give, add real tangible values to the lives of men and women that need help and support the youths through human capacity development and direct action (which consist of motivation, inspiration and proactiveness), so they can better visualize, achieve and maximize their potentials.


To strengthen under-resourced communities through, revitalization and basic needs. CCUFEC aims to break the cycle of extreme Poverty, Hunger and Child Labour through Quality Education, Access to health Care, Water and sanitation, Economic Security, Child Participation, Advocacy and Awareness. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to fold their hands and do nothing but CCUFEC is a resource point for community engagement with humanitarian impact.


CCUFEC targets to build the capacity of the next generation of leaders. We symmetrically focus on Career, Character and Leadership development amongst youths to ignite positive change in their society. We operate through life-transforming series of programs committed to bringing the best out of youths through youth club activities.


CCUFEC committed towards alleviating the living conditions of poor and less privileged in the society. It focuses on provision of social and economic assistance for the homeless, empowerment of youths and women towards capacity building aimed at enhancing their effective development in the society. It is committed to launching campaign against gender inequality child abuse and trafficking.


In the quest to positively impact and promote health in the society, CCUF Enugu chapter has concluded plans to carry out a medical outreach in Isu-Awaa, Ozalla, Ezeagu and Agwu in Enugu State.