Humanitarian Services


Coal City USA expresses our shared convictions that all people affected by poverty, homeless or conflict have a right to receive protection and assistance to ensure the basic conditions for life with dignity. We are serving children, youth, and adults with diverse needs throughout the state of California. Our humanitarian mission is to empower people with special needs to achieve their full potential through innovative, inclusive programs and community partnerships. CCU has been an established local nonprofit for 2 years and has experienced substantial growth over the last one year. The organization continues to partner with various local businesses, government agencies and third-party providers to bring the best quality of service to those receiving services, and their families. Together, we are working to create a world where people of all abilities are fully accepted, respect and included in all aspects of life – in the classroom, the workplace and in our communities.

These principles are reflected in international law, but derive their force ultimately from the fundamental moral principle of humanity: that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Based on this principle, we affirm the primacy of the humanitarian imperative, that action should be taken to prevent or alleviate human suffering arising out of disaster or conflict, and that nothing should override this principle.

We offer local, national and international humanitarian services, we commit to promoting and adhering to the principles in the organization and to meeting minimum standards in our efforts to assist and protect those in need. We invite all those who engage in humanitarian activities, including governmental and private sector actors, to endorse the common principles, rights and duties set out as a statement of shared humanitarian belief.


Humanitarian spirit is at the core of every Coal City USA. We are uniquely privileged to provide for all humanity. CCU’s diverse programs empower us to address the needs of at-risk, vulnerable populations and communities in Africa and carry out humanitarian service addressing unmet health and human needs. CCU supports the humanitarian work helping people with disabilities lead more independent, productive and fulfilling lives. Our mission is to impact and improve health, education, our environment, and all-inclusiveness. Through our humanitarian efforts we continue to enhance in the day-to-day lives and emotional well-being for people around the globe.

The humanitarian efforts of CCU have been notable and celebrated for more than 2 years. Working together, Coal City USA identifies the community’s most crucial needs and we strive to support them and to provide humanitarian aid where it’s needed most.

Coal City USA request all kinds of donations, in-kind, money or gift to enable us continue our humanitarian services to the poor and undeserved population in U.S, Nigeria/Africa and around the globe. To make a donation, call us: 1-800-318-5969 or email: info@coalcityusa.or