Operation Feed The Homeless


The legal definition of “homeless” varies from country to another, or among different entities or institutions in the same country or region. The term homeless may also include people whose primary night-time residence is in a homeless shelter, a warming center, a domestic violence shelter or other housing situation. American Government homeless enumeration studies also include persons who sleep in a public or private place not designed for use as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. In western countries the large majority of homeless are men (75-80%), with single males particularly over represented.

Although hunger affects every community in the United States, some groups of people are more vulnerable than others. African Americans are two times more likely to be food insecure than white, non-Hispanic households. Senior citizens are the fastest-growing food insecure population in the United States.

Poverty and inequality are closely related, and inequality appears to have been on the rise worldwide in recent decades at both national and international levels. Poverty is the principal cause of hunger and undernourishment. The number of hungry people worldwide is 963 million, or about 14.6 per cent of the estimated world population of 6.6 billion. There are still 1.6 billion people living in poverty. One out of 50 children or 1.5 million children in America will be homeless each year. In 2013 that number jumped to one out of 30 children, or 2.5 million. There were an estimated 57,849 homeless veterans estimated in the United States during January 2013; or 12 percent of all homeless adults. Just below 8 percent of homeless U.S. veterans are female.

CCU Foundation strives to be the model for providing hope and change to the homeless, addicted, and others in need. We do this through feeding the hungry, and by offering care, support, and an introduction to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In the end, we provide redemption, recovery, and re-entry to independent living world, that’s the mission for CCU Foundation.

CCU Foundation call for action taken, we should invest in our schools to ensure that all children are provided a quality education, fortify school breakfast and lunch programs so that kids are well-fed and able to focus during class, and supplement the disposable income of millions of families by providing child care assistance. Finally, we must acknowledge that hunger disproportionately affects African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans and take steps to right the historical wrongs that have trapped a large percentage of these groups in poverty for generations. If you believe as we do that all humans deserve safekeeping, loving kindness and to never be forgotten by our best angels, we need your help. There are so many ways to be of service and every grain of help nourishes so many. We are grateful.

CCU Foundation call for action taken, we should invest in our schools to ensure that all children are provided a quality education, fortify school breakfast and lunch programs so that kids are well-fed and able to focus during class, and supplement the disposable income of millions of families by providing child care assistance. Finally, we must acknowledge that hunger disproportionately affects African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans and take steps to right the historical wrongs that have trapped a large percentage of these groups in poverty for generations. If you believe as we do that all humans deserve safekeeping, loving kindness and to never be forgotten by our best angels, we need your help. There are so many ways to be of service and every grain of help nourishes so many. We are grateful.


The need for personal care, cleanliness and protection does not end. Ever! The slightest cut or scrape, a regular effect of street living, can lead to disastrous consequences if not cleaned and treated. Tooth issues are common and only compound with time and poor care. And most of our human dignity comes from opportunities to present ourselves cleanly to the world.

CCU Foundation aim to regular provide soap, wipes, deodorant, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, first aid kits, feminine kits, undergarment, tarp, tent, sleeping bags, blanket, rope, flashlight and batteries. We require canned goods, non-perishables and fresh fruits and vegetables. Whatever you have to share, particularly sustenance that doesn’t take up a lot of space for a person to carry, is welcome!

Job referral

Coal City USA Foundation is more than happy to facilitate or coordinate the matching of your SouthBay jobs or gigs that help our homeless population get back on their feet. Please post details of any job offerings, gigs, tasks, etc and we’ll spread the word!

Spread the Word

Thanks to social media platforms, the world has become a global village to rotate in one day. Give us a hug, by spreading the word on social media platforms about our purpose and our projects in service of the community. Point people to this webpage, email folks on our behalf, and/or invite others on our facebook page. Sharing is caring.

Every person matters. Every penny matters. Set up monthly recurring donations or single donations. CCU Foundation is committed to maximizing the benefit of every dollar to those in need on the streets of our communities.

DONATE to Coal City USA Operation Feed The Homeless Project via PayPal Giving Fund.

Coal City USA is a 501(c)(3) organizations. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Coal City USA Tax Identification
Number is 82-4902267.