Youth Leadership & Skills Development

Coal City USA youth career development is our subfield of workforce development. We serve disengaged youth—young people aged 12-24, who are not actively engaged in education, training, or the workforce. Coal City USA goal is to help these youths return to school, enroll in post-secondary education or career training programs, or start a career. Programs in this field provide skills development, work experiences, and youth development activities.


Coal City USA is nonprofit public benefit organization that encourages and equips young adults to take on real-life opportunities and challenges by partnering with schools and organizations like yours to teach them practical life and leadership skills using images, relatable stories and experiences. Our customizable youth leadership development program and curriculum helps other organizations:

  • Create a healthy culture that fosters leadership at all levels.
  • Provide adults with the necessary tools to connect with the emerging generation.
  • Guide unprepared teens to productive adulthood.
  • Equip students to think and act like authentic leaders.

Catalano and Hawkins (1996) assessed the effectiveness of 77 youth development programs. Twenty-five of these programs were designated as “effective,” meaning that they positively affected youth behaviour, resulting in significant improvements in interpersonal skills, the quality of peer and adult relationships, self-control, problem-solving skills, cognitive competencies, self-efficacy, commitment to schooling, and academic achievement. Most of these 25 programs also resulted in fewer negative behaviours such as drug and alcohol use, school misbehavior, aggressive behaviour, violence, truancy, high-risk sexual behaviour, and smoking.

Certain elements found in each of the “effective” programs were identified as necessary for their success. These included strategies to:

  • Strengthen social, emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and moral competencies.
  • Build self-worth and value.
  • Shape messages from families and communities about standards for positive youth behaviour.
  • Increase healthy bonding with adults, peers, and younger children.
  • Expand opportunities and recognition for youth who engage in positive behaviour and activities.
  • Provide structure and consistency in program delivery.
  • Intervene with youth for at least nine months.

Although the goals and objectives of Youth Development Programs vary, Coal City USA findings of this study indicate that we tend to:

  • Foster bonding, resilience, self-determination, spirituality, self-efficacy, clear and positive identity, and prosocial norms.
  • Promote social, emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and moral competence.
  • Provide recognition for positive behaviour and prosocial involvement.

CCU Youth Leadership Program facilitates opportunities for high school students to earn volunteer service learning hours, develop confidence in leadership skills, learn about educational and career opportunities, build their personal resumes, network with fellow high school students, and get to know the City and its leaders. This free after school programs is a leading way for the next generation.

Coal City USA plan to engage on prospective youth leadership & skills development training through excellent workshop and seminars. This program is very consistent to national development. CCU is setting up to launch the campaign “YOUTHS ARE NATION BUILDERS”. We seek grants and donations for this program. Call us: 1-800-318-5969.